How do I set goals?
How do you set goals?
I have a mental health coach who has helped me with this process.
This is actually funny, I have been asked this quite a few times recently... what is my end goal? My overall goal continues to evolve as I chip away at it day by day. I try to make sure my goals are realistic and in line with my day to day activity and vice versa. I believe introspection is key.
Do you set long-term and short-term?
Both. My long-term goal is to build a platform to allow me to reach and educate more coaches/athletes/students. My short-term goal is to make sure each day each activity is a step toward my end goal.
How do you ensure you are on track to achieve?
Along with a good deal of introspection.
I ask other professionals who are currently doing what I want to do for feedback and suggestions. Networking is key. I ask those that I want to reach (students/coaches/athletes) for feedback and critique. I would rather hear what I'm doing is crap and needs to be rethought then lied to. I also have placed a team around me that I can trust to be honest and not sugar coat feedback.
Who keeps you accountable?
My team and my athletes. They are each quick to let me know when I need to get my shit together or when I should keep it rolling as is. I am thankful for that.