Coach DJ Taylor

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Out with the Old. In with the New.

Have you ever had so much happen in a really short amount of time that you look back and ask yourself, “What was that?” 

During the last quarter of 2020, my life changed fairly drastically. I’m still processing everything and may write more about some of these changes in the future. But this is a great time to share what I’ve been up to over the past six months. Here are the highlights:

A New Home

In October, my family moved out to the country away from the typical sort of Birmingham lifestyle we were used to. While the move was welcome, it was completely unplanned and took us by surprise. A friend of ours reached out with a fantastic opportunity and we just couldn’t pass it up. After some intense deliberation, we knew this was a great move for our family. It all happened super fast, but we are enjoying farm life and continuing to discover what “farm life” actually entails. 

A New Direction

After 10 years with the D1 Sports Training, in December I decided it was time for me to leave the company. This was one of the tougher decisions of my life, but it was also one of the more concise and clear decisions. I have several projects and goals that are demanding more of my attention, and the only way to achieve all I want to achieve is to part ways with D1. 

“You did what?”

I know what you’re thinking. And, yes, I did it.

I love D1 Sports Training. I have loved D1 since I started working at D1 Birmingham in June 2010. I’ve devoted 10 years of my time, energy, and attention to the company, and I’m thankful for all that I learned during my time there.

When I started with D1 Birmingham, I was familiar with the company and what it stood for because of the exposure I had through training college prospects. I was more than grateful for the opportunity to work with D1 and will never regret my time there. The ups and downs, peaks and valleys, abyss and summit, and all of the other twists and turns over the last 10 years have helped form who I am today. I had so many opportunities to learn, grow, and build relationships with so many wonderful people. I will never take my time there for granted.

I still believe in the company and will do what I can to support their mission from the outside if I have opportunities to do so. It was time for me to move forward, and I’m taking those steps with gratitude for all I’ve received through D1 Sports Training over the past 10 years.

A New Venture

My main focus right now is getting Athletic Foundations, Inc. a new nonprofit organization up and running. AFI’s purpose is to provide high-quality career development resources and opportunities to coaches and athletes.

I have worked in Strength and Conditioning For more than 10 years and I continue to face the same issues. Strength and conditioning coaches and other fitness professionals enter the field unprepared for interviews and interactions on the training floor. They have few financial resources to obtain the continuing education for the sufficient level of proficiency required for coaches.

In addition, I continue to meet and hear about athletes with great potential who aren’t able to improve through training or education because of lack of funds and resources. This happens too often on the individual and the team level in middle schools, high schools, and even some smaller colleges.

I finally got so fed up with running into the same issue that I decided to do something about it. 

I’m in the process of gathering information from coaches, athletic directors, coaches, parents, and students. I’m also pulling together resources to help and service those who are unable to reach their maximum potential because of a lack of financial and educational support. 

Our plan is to onboard athletes first this summer with our inaugural group taking off June 1st of this year. AFI will not be an organization for handouts. I strongly believe in the strength and power of a community, and we are building an AFI community that will make positive changes in the athletic environment. All coaches and athletes that are a part of AFI will belong to this community with higher standards and greater expectations that will go far beyond the classroom, the competition fields, and the level of athletic performance.

I am excited and really grateful to be in a position to finally do this work that will support the flourishing of athletes, coaches, and parents in Birmingham and beyond.

A New Facility

It’s been a long time coming, but all of the pieces have fallen into place. My wife, Coach Nev, and I are working together to provide high-level training for girls who play volleyball through Blockout Strength and Conditioning. We have known for several years that this would be an eventual step for us, but the timing has not been right for us until recently. 

In January, we got a call letting us know that a space adjacent to Blockout Academy was available. There was no hesitation. We said, “We’ll take it!” and I was on the phone within minutes to get everything in motion. As our contractor worked on the physical space, I worked on putting together the framework philosophy and all of the things that take place behind the scenes that no one ever sees. During the first week of February, we hosted our first training group in the facility. These girls already attended Coach Nev’s classes and began to train before or after their volleyball skill training sessions. We thought the concept would work, and feedback from players and parents has provided plenty of confirmation.

Athletic Foundations Inc. is my main focus, but Blockout Strength and Conditioning is my passion. I am blessed to have this opportunity to work with my wife and provide elite level training opportunities to volleyball athletes in our area.

 I did not set out initially to start a strength and conditioning facility, but things don’t always go as we plan. I am beyond grateful that we were able to do this. The reception from our peers and our various training and coaching circles has been amazing, and the athletes have responded very well and really seem to enjoy the new opportunities to train at Blockout Strength and Conditioning.